; and you just have to look at me, and its like my smile is on steroids (:
Hi (:
My name is Arathi and I'm pretty awesome.
Sixteen candles on the 20th March '11.
This blog is for my own personal ranting/whining/hypering, its not meant to offend anyone. If you don't like my blog, or what I write, you're free to leave.
; and everytime you smile, the world is brought back from the brink of destruction (:
; and if you think my eyes are beautiful, it's only because they're looking at you (:
Okay, yes I have moved!! To Wordpress! Because of the option of password protecting my posts!
The only reason why I'm not upset is because I managed to export all my posts yay (:
So relink!
Goodbye Blogger!
அன்பிலார் எல்லாம் தமக்குரியர் அன்புடையர் என்பும் உரியர் பிறர்க்கு.
Wednesday, November 09, 2011 || 10:26 PM
Okay, hopefully listening to audio recordings of myself reciting tamil stuff will help me ohgod.
(They're quite interesting actually, I break out into song at one point of time)
So freaking worried arghhhh. I cannot wait for tomorrow, so I can come back and waste time.
Tomorrow needs to be over.
And I need to get an A1.
Monday, November 07, 2011 || 12:56 PM
Okay, this is so overdue its crazy. But I've been putting off writing this post, cause I'm so unwilling to accept that I've graduated from RGS. Graduation has always been this distant thing in the future, of course I knew it was coming, and I've had many conversation with my friends about moving on to JC and all, but it still feels incredibly weird not to be in RG anymore.
I think I was pretty calm throughout the whole ceremony. Teared up a lot of times, but didn't actually cry. I am incredibly pissed off that I didn't get to listen to Graduation with my batchmates, cause I was off collecting YEARBOOKS lame. But yeah, most epic farewell assembly ever. Seriously.
We went out with a bang, and I love al the initiatives that we came up with as a batch.
I am going to miss so many things about RG. Seriously. I mean, firstly, I dunno how I"m gonna deal not being in 406. My class has been one of the best things about my RG experience, without doubt. We're just such an amazing bunch of people, and we click so well, our chemistry is just incredible. I love how we are all so random and awesome, and we have all the same interests (JESSE MCCARTNEY) and we share so many AMAZING memories (uss, all the parties, free blocks, math ces, hp7, everythinggggg) and they're just so special to me.
Secondly, my tamil batch! Tomorrow is going to be my last tamil class ever, and I CAN'T DEAL. I love tamil lessons, I really do. We're such a fun, crazy bunch of people, and I'm gonna miss sitting therein the dirty tamil class together! And I'm going to miss Mdm Latha like asdfghjkl. It just SUCKS that she's going back, we can't just go back to school to meet her! D: but yeah, we will all kit through facebook!! I can't wait for the batch outing/lunch/dinner with Aasiriyai and Saripa Uncle! FUNFUNFUN (:
Like Nicole, I was going to do a shoutout, but I will do it at the end of the year, during my incredibly long endofyear post (:
I am just reallyreallyreally happy that I came to RGS, seriously I am. I will still come here if I had a choice. I can't imagine not being an RGS girl la, although I'm quite a fail one considering I'm stupid but yeah.
Speaking of being stupid, I'm majorly screwed for 'O's D: D: D:
Thursday, November 03, 2011 || 11:26 PM
Okay, I can't believe tomorrow is approaching so fast, seriously. I don't want to graduate. I don't want to leave the safe haven that RGS has become. I love my class sososososososo much, seriously. 406 has made my RGS experience like x4876538476856178609857637856201843659632785 better, and I'm not just saying that. You guys have been absolutely amazing, and I couldn't have dreamed up a better class.
I'm really reluctant to sleep now, cause I know that when I wake up, it'll be the last day of school. Its the last time I'm going to wake up as an RGS girl. HEAVY STUFF OMG. I know its once an rgs girl, always an rgs girl, but its different! I'm going to be an absolute mess tomorrow, and will post a freaking long post soon.
Need to pack all my tissue omg.
Wednesday, November 02, 2011 || 9:13 PM
Okay, I've decided once and for all what I'm going to take in JC. Going to take H1 Math, Econs, Ell and Lit. Yeah, its 10 units but whatever. Math is really so freaking irrelevant to my life, and H1 seems so much more tolerable. So yeah. 10 units it is then. I hope my class isn't some rowdy crazy class with people who beat me up. Cause then I'll just transfer to India. I'm very scared of fights please.
And argh, I'm so frustrated with my brother. I just don't know what goes on in his head really. Its damn stupid and aggravating. I mean he's asking my parents for an iPad for his birthday. And he's not even asking for it, he's getting me to ask for it. My parents just getting pissed off and shouting at me.
Its so frustrating. I hate it I hate it I hate it.
My Blog = Dead
Sunday, October 30, 2011 || 4:21 PM
Okay, I know I have been seriously neglecting my blog, but I can explain myself! Firstly, I was in India from 19 Oct to 26 Oct! Went for my grandmother's prayers which were really sad and sombre ): I wasn't really close to her, but its strange to think that she won't be there the next time I go with her potato stew and appam. But after the prayers, I got to celebrate deepavali in india! Ohman, it was so insane, you have no idea! I took tons of videos, will post them when I have time (:
Next, my GPA for this year is like really dismal. I was super disappointed, and I could tell that my parents were too, but they were being really nice to me. I started crying in the middle of the conversation, because I just felt like I was letting everyone down, and that I was being an embarrassment to my parents. And I honestly think my mum is psychic, cause she looked at me and went "You do know that we're not ashamed of you or anything right?" which obviously made me cry harder. Ah, my parents are so nice to me. But yeah, I'm not going to be ashamed of myself either. I mean I got a shitty GPA, I didn't cheat on my exam, or get pregnant or something. I studied hard, but it wasn't enough. I just have to take that into perspective and study a LOT harder next year. JC is what really matters anyway.
Moving on, I AM SO TERRIBLY UPSET THAT I COULDN'T GO FOR TALENT VOGUE AND WATCH CHANEL BEING AWESOME )': I COULDN'T GO FOR ICS FAREWELL EITHER. DAMNIT. I've been really sick the past two days D: food poisoning sigh. The food in our school canteen/cafe ah. Fail. FAILLLLLLL.
Friday night was one of the longest nights of my life I swear. I was really sick, and was moaning throughout the night. My dad was an absolute darling I swear. He stayed next to me the whole night, and getting me water and holding my hair up while I emptied the contents of my already empty stomach. And on Saturday too! He came with me to the clinic, and waited an obscenely long time to see the doctor. Hahaha, my dad was all panicky and funny cause I hadn't eaten for like 24 hours. But I didn't really have an appetite. At all. Like the thought of food just made me nauseous. Still does actually. And it sucks cause my mum bought home naan yesterday but I didn't feel like eating it.
Now, I'm just sitting around looking like some hobo. Haven't combed my hair the whole day xD only family can see you like this and still love you, I swear. Sigh. Deepavali dinner was supp to be today, but is postponed to next week. THANK YOU FOR UNDERSTANDING GUYS YOU DA BEST.
OH and thank you to everyone who messaged me, or mentioned me on their blogs (yes shimei, I do read your blog) I do appreciate your kindness and thoughtfulness, I love all of you so much. I will get better!
Monday, October 17, 2011 || 5:02 AM
Okay, today (yesterday?) was the most slack day I've had in a long time. It was so insanely awesome, you have no idea. I woke up late, at around 9.30, had breakfast, went back to bed and watched shows the whole day (: HAHAHA I am terrible. I have officially finished watching Season 2 of Modern Family. Hm, I think I hate Phil a lot less now, have gotten used to him, and I still love Mitch! And Jay! And Gloria! :D I like Modern Family. I have to download the newer episodes!
After my Modern Family marathon, I took a short nap to sleep off the headache that had come from my watching-tv-on-a-laptop. Woke up to eat lunch, then went back to watch Doctor Who!
That's right, I'm totally a convert now. From a non-fan to a fan. Not from like HP to DW, cause that will never happen. NEVERRRRRRR. But yes. I have watched a total of 3 episodes of DW, and I really do love it. The storyline is like cool and the Doctor is awesome and funny and awesome and awkward and awesome. And KAREN IS SO PRETTY OMGGGG. Yes, and her character is not even very annoying! I like how DW is sort of poetic in a strange, scientific kind of way. Yes, I despise Sci-Fi but I really do love this show (: But I feel very noob and like a very bad fan, cause I'm have only watched like 3 episodes -.- need to hurry up and watch the rest! Must try and watch all the modern seasons (1-6?) so I can be on par with all the proper fans.
Because I'm just like that. If I watch a show, I need to watch every single episode in that show, if not I feel like I dunno the show. You know? Like I tell people I watch Gossip Girl, How I Met Your Mother, Glee, Suits, Modern Family and I have watched like everything. Except Season 4 of Gossip Girl. Which I am planning on watching even if people tell me it sucks. Because of my obsessive nature. So yes, I need to hardcore watch DW (:
AHHHHH I have my stupid Nanotech assessment thingum to doooooooo. And I have about 30 minutes to do it. Lovely.
I have been neglecting my blog.
Saturday, October 15, 2011 || 8:48 PM
Okay, I have so much to talk about, its crazy.
Firstly, EOYs. Of course. Right, so EOYs were a complete failure. I was seriously super demoralized by my marks, still am. I mean, I seriously put a lotlotlot of work into it, I studied my ass off. I dont think I've ever studied this hard, but in the end? My marks were still dismal. They were even WORSE than my MYAs, which weren't even that good to begin with. I just dropped in like everything, except SS. Which I'm not even taking next year. This is so lame. Everything was bad. I'm not even exaggerating. Even English. And it just sucks. Its like I'm so stupid at everything, and I tell myself "Its okay Arathi! At least you have English!"
I just like telling myself that I can do English, that English is my thing. But I really don't think so anymore. My EOY marks were just pathetic. I was especially disappointed with my essay. I mean, I thought it was okay when I wrote it, but when I got it back.. I was just so.. Disappointed really. There's no other word for it. I agreed with all the comments: The scope was too limited, my vocabulary was limited, my tone was informal. It was just a huge mess. I couldn't believe I wrote it. And everyone tells me that its only one exam, it doesn't matter. But this is what matters the most! I mean, noone is going to care that I got 28/30 for my FA! All they're going to see is my shitty marks for EOYs.
That is when it really hit me that I suck at everything. There is literally nothing I can do. I'm not good at anything. My Sciences suck. My humanities suck. And now, apparently my languages suck too. I had absolutely no idea what I was going to do with myself, and I was so miserable, that I broke down in the Tamil room. I'm so thankful that I had Es and Sharni next to me. They were just comforting me, and helped me to calculate my GPA hahaha. The best case scenario is like 3.26 -.- But they made me feel a lot better. I'm reallyreally thankful for my friends, I love you guys <3
I am going to go for courses at BC this hols, I don't care. Going to rescue my English!
NEXT, I'm going to talk about Claire! Okay, I just have to blog about this. Claire is like one of my favourite people in the world. Definitely makes my top 10 list (: She is an amazingamazing person, and I'm forever grateful to have her in my life.
I've been in the same class as her for 4 years now, and I've learnt so much from her. She is such an inspiration really. Apart from the part where she is perfect (SERIOUSLY THAT GIRL IS GOOD AT EVERYTHING) she is just SUCH a good person, you know?
She is incredible at making people feel immediately comfortable with her. She knows how to make someone feel great, and there's like no awkwardness at all. Even if you've just met her a few minutes ago.
She's so helpful and generous and kind.
She has always been there for me. Through 4 years of paper checking (geographical location haha) she just has to look at me, and she kind of sees through everything. Always offers me a hug when I need it.
She loves Indians (always a plus!)
I think one of the things I love most about her, is her drive. She is so motivated and driven. She wants to do SO many things, and you know she'll get it done! She's hardworking, she's productive. And at the same time, somehow, she manages to maintain direction, you know? Esp in an environment like Raffles, you're always just rushing around, and going with the flow. You don't have much of direction, but Claire? She knows exactly what she wants, and how to get it.
I really hope we keep in touch, if not I'm gonna miss her like crazy, I'm not even kidding. Yesterday, was sitting with her at the grand piano in the hall. Claire was singing and playing, and it just really touched me. She played 'Still' which has always been my favourite christian song, hands down. The lyrics have always moved me, and I really feel for it, even if I'm not of the faith. Then she sang 'Deadly Beauty' by Faces Without Names. I was majorly tearing up, no joke. Its a reallyyy sad song, and Claire gave me the most gorgeous rendition. Her voice is just so amazing, and I could tell that she really felt for the song. I was just like trying not to start crying. I think her version was just so much more heartbreaking (although its a good song, go listen to it!)
I love you Claire.
I know we may not be the closest of friends, but I really do care a lot about you, and you've made a great impact on my life. I treasure every moment I've had with you <3
Okay, lastly, I reallyreally want a Kindle. My parents agreed to get me one! :D exciting ttm! But somehow I feel like I don't deserve. I really want it though. Its the most magical invention known to mankind
(okay its not, but still)
Yes okay. I will try to post more often now okay! I know I have been neglecting my blog, sorry!!
My Biological Clock is Ticking.
Sunday, October 09, 2011 || 1:47 PM
It really is, I swear. I was just on the MRT and I saw this incredibly cute angmoh kid. Like seriously superduper cute. She looked like some cherubic angel. With gorgeous blue-grey eyes, curly blonde hair and super adorable smile.
Her parents and her were playing this game where they touched their noses and went 'beepbeep!' AHHH DAMN CUTE OMG AUEHXFBXUDBDU.
She was like straddling her mum, and kept sneaking glances at me (: she finally plucked up the courage to wave at me, and when I waved back, her face cracked the sweetest smile I've ever seen on a child. I just melted.
Then she kept bouncing on her mum's knee, then her mum finally passed her to me :O so the kid was just on my knees, waving and gurgling at me! And kept saying 'hello!' hahaha cutest thing ever omg. I was just like smiling and waving back and bouncing her.
She finally quietened down when I had like 3 stops to go, and fell asleep on my shoulder! I was almost a puddle on the floor cause she was just so darned endearing with her huge eyes and blonde hair. When my stop came (damnit why) I passed her to her mum, and left.
But yes. Needless to say, I AM SO AFFECTED BY THIS. I want my own kid to play with!! Kids are just so adorable and loving and needy and asdfghjkl. I'm going to be SUCH a pushover I swear. My kids are gonna walk all over me.
Not that I would mind. I JUST WANT KIDS DAMNIT.
I can't express how much I love this quote.
Saturday, October 08, 2011 || 11:52 PM
The world is changed because you are made of ivory and gold. The curves of your lips rewrite history.
- The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde.
|| 5:40 PM
Okay, I haven't posted in SUCH a long time omg. I've just been really busy, cramming for math and all. I honestly never thought I'd ever say that, but its true. I've been studying my ass off for math, the subject I hate with a passion. The Math1 paper was prettyyy bad, because I just blanked out as usual and wrote rubbish. Put +c for definite integrals -.- WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME. Ms Hoo literally strangled me the next day D: D: And the worst part is, this means I actually have to mug for Math2 D: I just reallyreally wish that I wasn't taking math next yearrrrr. But tough luck. I am. This sucks. It feels like I'm betraying myself by willingly signing myself up for torture.
On a bright note, I did well for SS! :D :D :D I was quite disappointed after the paper cause I knew I could have done better, it wasn't my best. But apparently it was enough! I GOT MY OVERALL 4.0 FOR SS! :D okay considering my grades in everything else is shitty, this makes me deliriously happy (: I heard the English compre was horrible (mr angullia was tormenting us with the information) I heard the History SBQ was horrible. I KNOW the Bio paper was horrible. I know Math was terrible, and will be terrible. I have little hope for Chemistry. And my self confidence in Lit was completely crushed last time round soooo..
Basically, I'm just really happy about SS.
But sigh, yesterday and today were COMPLETELY unproductive. I really need to study for Math2, but I can't bring myself to do it, its just so HARD. I'm promising myself that I will go to my new haunt to study tomorrow!
What's my new haunt you ask? That's right, British Council. HAHA, Shimei has heard plenty about my BC obsession ahahaha. Its just really conducive okay!! Its full of nice angmoh people who smile and you and stuff. And the study area is very quiet and uncrowded. I have several straight buses home, and Tanglin Mall is right next door! Haha, yes I like Tanglin Mall. Its very atas and like cool. Because it has all these interesting shops and I just love walking around and wasting time there ahahah. I'm like super productive when I study there, I'm super proud of myself (: Its going to be my new study place (: And in Clara Poa's words, 'FREE AIRCON!' :D
Haha, oh speaking of Clara Poa, she said that my blog is very commonwealth essay-ish. I was oddly flattered xD I mean, noone has ever said that before but it makes me feel smart and intellectual. HAHA rubbish la, obviously she hasn't read all the crazy RG girls' blogs. They are so smart and cheem. Mine is stupid and bimbo, but whatever.
OH and I watched the new episode of Glee! :D Mercedes annoys me. BUT OMG I FELL IN LOVE WITH MIKE CHANG EVEN MOREEEE (: (: (: AND PUCK SOUNDS HOT WHEN HE SINGS. AS DOES MIKE CHANG OMG YAY (: I felt so happy for him at the end!!! :D I just really love Blaine too omg. I just feel so happy when he comes on (: AND AHHHH DAMIEN IS COMING ON NEXT EPISODE RIGHT!? EXCITEMENT.
Oh, speaking of shows, I started watching Modern Family! Haha, almost done with Season 1 actually. Its pretty good! Not as good as HIMYM but still good (: I love Mitchell hahaha he is damn funny, and I love his ginger hair (: and I love Jay! :D he is very nice and funny hahaha. But omgggg, Phil annoys me like asdfghjkl. He is damn loser and irritating omgggg. He has NO redeeming quality whatsoever. HMPH.
But yeah, going out now. Right after I watch the new episode of HIMYM, which always brightens up my day (:
Okay,I just finished watching it. WHY IS NORA SO PRETTY OMG. Its not fair, she's reallyreally pretty and she has a British accent! :O UNFAIR. Oh and I love Barney. Even with his duckie tie.
Friday, September 30, 2011 || 11:43 AM
Hm, didn't go to school today cause wasn't feeling too well, and didn't want to risk falling ill (math is next week!!!) so slept a little longer, and it felt absolutely amazing. But right now? I'm craving for really good ice cream. On a cone. Like the rich, creamy kind. Either vanilla or hazelnut or somewhere along those lines. But my area sucks, and the only ice cream on a cone I can get, is from Macs -.- unless of course I drag myself to West Mall. Which I don't want to. Sighhhhh. Okay, I need to make full use of today and do math!! I've slacked enough so far! Slept and watched the new Glee episode.
Oh btw, I WILL GO BERSERK IF KURT BREAKS UP WITH BLAINE FOR SOME STUPID REASON. SERIOUSLY. I WILL JUST KILLLLLLLLL SOMEONE. PREFERABLY RYAN MURPHY. THEY ARE THE BEST PART OF THE SHOW, AND THEY CAN'T DO THAT. Hmph. And and seriously, Kurt looks a lot better this season!! :O shimei and I were discussing it the other day and she agrees! He totally does, but we can't figure out why! I think its because he's a lot less uptight. But dunno. OH and we realized that we rarely see Kurt's teeth!!! :O :O :O so disturbing. But yes, I think so far, this season is pretty good. I love Puck (: (: (:
Okay, I really need some ice cream on a cone.
I miss HP so muchhhh.
Thursday, September 29, 2011 || 9:44 PM
Okay, I'm seriously missing Harry Potter like crazy now. Like seriously. A lot a lot. Cos my iTunes was on shuffle and Lily's theme came on, which of course brought rise to all the other soundtracks, and led to youtube. Sigh. My heart aches now. I miss HP so much. There isn't anything to look forward to anymore. As in, I know HP will never be over, my tumblr dashboard is still very much flooded with harry potter and tom felton. but I want the feeling of watching a harry potter movie for the first time! And the whole innocence of it!!!
What is life.
I have to rewatch everything again. Like all the movies. And cry like asdfghjkl at HP7PTII like I always do.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011 || 6:42 PM
Okay, so basically, I finally watched 500 Days of Summer! And I'm happy to say that it wasn't as bad as I initially thought it was hahaha. For those of you who don't know, I have tried to watch the movie like 3 times, but never got past the first 10 minutes, but today I watched the whole thing :O It was quite a good movie actually, there are some things I want to talk about!
Firstly, SUMMER IS A HORRIBLE PERSON OMG I HATE HER. Ergh, so frustrating. As in seriously, Tom is like asdfghjkl. I mean, yeah he's a little wimpy, but he's like.. He wants to define a relationship! I love guys who define the relationship. And Summer is just so horrible to him, and I'm sosososo glad that he didn't get together with her in the end cause she's a horrid bitch and he deserves better. I MEAN HE MADE HER A MIX AND SHE DIDN'T LISTEN TO IT. Adhfbgurhbvu. If a guy made ME a mix.. Sigh. Where are all the Toms in the world, and why are they hiding? )':
Secondly, I totally agree with what he said about greeting cards!! I HATE greeting cards. Its so impersonal and fake. I mean, a card should contain personality and memories and jokes and compliments and sincerity, and I highly doubt this can come from someone else's office cubicle. I never give greeting cards to people, ever. Yeah, I'd rather have a handwritten note on a piece of foolscap with 4 sentences than a $5 greeting card. And yes, I'd rather have a long note than a gift. Its just so much more meaningful you know? Oh and you guys know how much I love words.
It's only words, and words are all I have,
To take your heart away.
Did I mention that I love this song? No? Well, I do. I love Beejees. And The Beatles (duh) and Simon and Garfunkel, and Bonjovi, and John Denver, and Kenny Rogers, and the Carpenters. And ah, I just love old songs okay. Like a lot. They just have so much of sincerity. And they're so innocent and good-willed and cute and happy and upbeat and sweet and just.. Ah. Yes. HAHA, Chanel and I were singing Burning Love in Math today hahahaha. And You Give Love A Bad Name (:
OH, and I really love urban photography and art. Idk, I guess I've grown up looking at all these nature-y paintings (my house is filled with Monet) and don't get me wrong, I love them, but I still really love urban sketches and paintings. And photos. Like how they can really capture the essence of the city and and people and the atmosphere. I love it. My future house will have a lot of them!! :D
Oh, and the movie got me thinking what my favourite spot is. I guess I haven't been around enough to explore the really ulu places, but I'll tell you some of my favourites.
One is Raffles Marina. Its a dock, and its really far away from my house, but my family and I head there sometimes for dinner. And I adore sitting by the water and seeing the lights reflect off the dark expanse of water. Its so peaceful and serene and I feel so.. At peace there.
There's this place in India which I fell in love with. We were driving, and we crossed this bridge like thing. And on the left was this river, and it was covered with these white flowers, and they were gorgeous. I think they were weeds, but there were so stunning when they were swaying in the wind, and it was just so beautiful. I only caught a glance of it that once, but I've never really forgotten it.
Haha, the next one is pretty close to home! Its the balcony in school! Haha, the one over the amphi you know? On the second floor? Hahaha, last year, I used to go there every morning, before assembly and just mull things through in my head. Its nice there in the mornings, the air is cool, and you can see everyone walking into school. I really thought a lot there, and I used to spend at least 10 minutes everyday by myself in the exact same spot. After which various batchmates will join me and we'll talk about life (: I still go there sometimes, in the morning, and stare out. Its a place I'll really miss when I leave RG, but I promised myself that I'll find my own ulu spot in RJ to muse in the mornings haha (:
Finally, another random spot which I like, is this bridge, on PIE. Its somewhere near the Bedok exit I think. And its so pretty honestly. Its a white overhead bridge, crossing over the highway. Everytime I pass it, I always tell myself that one day, I will go sit on that bridge and look at the highway. Its just one of those things that I really want to do. Absolutely irrational of course, but yes. One day, I will bring someone to that bridge and look at all the cars which pass by and talk about life. And when I bring you there, you know you're special. We're going to look incredibly stupid, sitting there, because people do use it, but whatever. I will sit there, dangle my legs, in the evening, watch the sunset, and watch headlights of cars' at night, cause its something I've wanted to do for a really long time.
I love talking about strange things on my blog. Its like really a part of me, you know? I put a piece of me, into this blog every post, and its here for everyone to read, but I don't really care. Because mostly, its for ME to read. Its for me to put down my thoughts in writing, and to know that even through all this stress and rush, there's still a person inside of me.
Prom Shopping!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011 || 6:02 PM
Okay, today was totally exciting (: Morning was just meh, with normal school stuff, but after lessons, I headed out for prom shopping with Shimei, Heather, Chanel and Clara! Went to ION after brunch! Hit Topshop first, but I didn't see anything that I liked )': so headed to this other shop (I am told not to reveal the shop) after that where I found a dress that I LOVED. Seriously. It was like my dream dress (just that it had sleeves in my dream sigh) but it is totally pretty :D its cream, and lacy and perfect (: I love cream yay, best dress colour ever. And not only that, I also found the perfect shoes!!! They were like MADE for the dress, I swear. But sadly, it is crazily expensive. And crazily high. LOL my dress costs $88 and the shoes cost $90 hahaha. I doubt I'll be getting the shoes (although I wish I could) cause I will probably never wear it again, its too high ): Will try and get something at the shoe sale!! Sigh, reserved the dress, waiting for my mum's approval nowwwww. Which is scarily stressful, you have no idea. Showed my brother, he said it was 'quite nice' hahaha. But I have no idea what my mum is going to sayyyyy. Stress. I hope she says okay, I really like the dresssssss. Although hahaha, I have a strong feeling my mum will say that it looks like a petticoat, but it'll totally look nice with pearls, and nice shoes, and maybe a belt!!! I have faith.
Cross your fingers for me, everyone!
I cannot believe I had to resort to taking photos in the dressing room sigh, but I had to show my mum!
This is so pressurizing.
Monday, September 26, 2011 || 8:50 PM
HAHAHA LOL I think this is hilarious. My blog views have like spiked. All because I got a shoutout on Nicole's blog.. Sigh. But I guess popularity (lies, I'm totally not one of those 'pop rg girls') is just expected when you're Nicole Chua's best friend hahaha.
But yes, I feel so stressed now, because everyone was squealing about my last post, and I feel like this one has to match up to it somehow. Which it won't. I'm sorry, but my reflective moments are unfortunately rare. Anyway, I'm really glad that my parents have given you hope! Hahaha, they are really cute, and we should all strive for successful relationships like theirs' okay!
Haha, today was such an epic day I swear. Started off with my classmates fangirling over my parents (okay, thats a sentence I never thought I'd say) and all the prom drama. Hahahaha, I think its hilarious tbh. I mean, I dunno why everyone is making it into such a big deal, guys, its just an event!! I mean, yeah, we all really want to go and have fun, and it would totally suck if it gets downgraded to some shitty hotel (no amirah, not hotel 81) so we're just kinda pissed at all the crazy anti-prom people. I mean, I'm fine if you don't want to dress up, or can't afford it, or have an exam the next day, but if you're one of those people who LOUDLY proclaim that prom is lame, and high-five each other for your similar (asinine) thoughts on how prom is bimbotic and conformist or whatever, STOP IT. You are just being spiteful, and like ruining our night. Is it wrong to be actually excited for our prom, for the last event we're gonna have as a batch, with our classmates, before another species is introduced into our midst?
I mean, we're SORRYYYYY if we want to dress up like normal girls, and camwhore, and squeal and cry with our friends. I'm sorry if that makes us bimbo, and in some complete inane way affects you, but yeah, we can't help it. So stop labelling us and just trying to be spiteful and mean. You can hate us if you want. We know that we didn't do anything wrong la. Oh and if you want to comment on my friends' blogs, please at least have the guts to put our own name. We're all putting up our opinions on the internet, just the same as you are, but at least we're gutsy enough to do it without the veil of anonymity.
Okay, on a somewhat unrelated note, I have been told that I have a 'Mother Theresa Face'. HAHAHA what on earth man. Apparently its my saintly face right before I do something martyr-like. My friends are so random hahaha. Oh, and Shimei, Nicole and I had a long conversation about how we are super stressed for the future!! We all agreed that we need to get married by like 24-26 and have kids before 30. BUT WHAT IF WE CAN'T AFFORD TO BUY A HOUSE? Or like pay for all the expenses that are bound to crop up! Everything is so expensive now, and its only going to get worse!! Stress ttm. But yeah, haha I think my biological clock is totally ticking. I'm so excited to have kids!! Yesyes, I know I don't even have my EOY results back yet, but no harm in being excited right!
SO JEALOUS ABOUT MY FRIENDS' SUCCESSFUL RELATIONSHIPSSSSS. Ah, I totally have Ugly Girl Syndrome too hahahahaha.
And as worrying as it is, I've started to care less about my studies (I know, I didn't think it'd be possible either) As in, obviously I want to do well also la (HOW TO BUY HOUSEEEE) but I'm not so concerned about it now. I mean, seriously, how much is your EOY results gonna affect you in the long run? I know that academics are important and all, but there are so many more important things in life. That I'm learning, everyday. And these are seriously x876345387563560 more applicable to us. And will affect what kind of person we'll turn out to be. I mean, I highly doubt my future mother-in-law/boss-of-a-non-math-related-company will care that I failed my math/bio/chem/whatever.
I am going to focus on being a better person! Need to be less bitchy, need to have my 'Mother Theresa Face' on more often, and yeah basically. I need to be a lot nicer.
Wait does the top part about FAM count as bitchy? Cause it wasn't supposed to..
Saturday, September 24, 2011 || 11:12 PM
Okay, so basically I've been set thinking about a lot of things recently. Kind of questioning a lot of things..
First of all, I was on the bus home from choa chu kang, and this couple got on the bus, with a baby. It was a Malay girl, maybe about 18-20 years old, no wedding ring on her finger. She had a multitude of tattoos, piercings, and she was cradling a baby, maybe about 2-3 years old. Her boyfriend sat across from her, next to me, and they were quarreling about financial problems, and the girl was in tears. She said that she had left her parents, trusting this guy (who looked dodgy tbh) and the whole ordeal was just very.. Idk. It kinda made me wonder how much this girl would regret her decisions and choices, and it made me really thankful about mine.
My parents have stuck through with me, teaching me right from wrong, and lending their support and wisdom in every decision I've had to make. They've never been too domineering, they have given me space and freedom to grow as a person, to make my own choices, but they will step in if they think I'm wrong. My school has been the safest, most conducive environment for me. I mean sure, its stressful, and its tough to find yourself in the midst of all the academic stress. But I'm forever grateful that I've never had to face anything like bullying, peer pressure, bad company, unwanted relationships. I know I'm probably too sheltered, but I'm glad. I don't know what kind of person I'd have been if I didn't go to RGS.
I think the choices I've made, will help me in the future. I am proud of the person I've become. I know, sure, I have my own faults. I'm stubborn, I overanalyze everything, I lack motivation and drive, but I have my good points too. I'm really proud to say that I am saving myself for the right one. I know its cheesy and all, but I want to be able to kinda just give myself as one whole, untarnished piece to the one I love. My family and my close group of friends have stopped me from getting into any kind of trouble. I haven't drunk alcohol, I haven't smoked, I haven't taken drugs, I haven't partied (not planning on doing any of this) And I haven't disappointed my parents with the person I've become.
I know for all my classmates and schoolmates, this is the norm. I don't think anyone I know are into this kind of thing, but seriously guys. The outside world is not like that. I have an older brother, and the stories he tells me are all very shocking. Our peers are doing really.. Funky stuff, and I'm glad I'm not. Maybe this means I have no life, maybe it doesn't. But whatever. I'm happy with me.
At the end of the day, even if I lose everything, I just really want to maintain self respect and dignity. I want to be happy with the person I've become, and I don't want to have a past that haunts me. I think girls who flaunt themselves and dress indecently are just misguided. I dunno what is running through their minds. I mean, you may get the attention of guys, but thats only temporary. They'll only look at you as sex objects, never as an actual person. Other girls.. Well. Lets just say that you won't be in their good books either. I mean, seriously.You can say that you're just expressing yourself and all, but if nobody is going to respect you, how are you going to respect yourself? You have to start looking at yourself as a person, beyond looks, and show others that you have a PERSONALITY cause thats what counts. And just so its out in the open, girls like this might have relationships with boys, but how serious are they going to be? Looks only play so big a role in a marriage you know.
Okay yes, enough of preaching.
Secondly, I reallyreally want to have a relationship like my parents. Like they've set such a high standard for me, in terms of a married couple. Its really hard to find a couple with more understanding and love, in my opinion. My dad is the most caring guy ever seriously. He calls my mum every lunch, even if he's in a meeting, to make sure that she eats her lunch. He surprises her at her office with food and they go to WCP for lunch. Once, she was working late and he brought a storybook to the office and sat there with her. He gets her something every time he goes overseas. And the only time they ever quarrel is when he is trying to get my mum to do something for herself. Like today, she was saying that maybe we should cancel our India trip because of all the expenses this year. And he was really firm about it. He said that its more important to him that she gets to spend Deepavali with her parents. And I was just like awh <3 These are like the only things they argue about because they have such good chemistry. They complement each other so well. They have really good mutual understanding and communication. Telling my dad something, is like telling my mum something. They never make decisions without discussing it with each other, and they alwaysalways sit together. They're just really cute together la. Like they hold hands and smile, and my mum laughs at my dad's bad jokes, my dad goes out at like 10.30pm because my mum felt like eating cake. And its just really heartwarming that they're like this even after like 23+ years of marriage. I know a lot of people say that marriage is not a fairytale, but I've grown up watching my parents, and they're living one. I guess I have them to thank for my high standards haha.
They're just really good role models to me you know? Which brings me to my third point. My parents are such GOOD people. They just do so much of good. Like for example, the other day when we were coming back from picking my mum up, we saw like these foreign workers doing some work outside our building. And it was really hot, and they had been working for quite long la. So my parents, went to buy cold drinks for all of them (about 10 of them?) and the workers just looked so shocked and happy. They just.. Lit up you know? And it got me thinking, can you imagine how many people had walked past them and nobody had offered to get them drinks. I mean, it wasn't a big deal for us, it only took like 10 mins of our time, but the looks on their faces when we gave it them was just.. Heartwarming. This is just one example, my parents do this kind of things all the time. And so many people look up to them. For instance, in my mum's office, there are like 40-50+ guys from India. And they've all left their families and all to work as engineers, and send back money every month. My mum sees how hard they work, and we invite them over for dinner about 5-6 times a year. We either cater or hold in a restaurant. And they're just so grateful whenever my mum invites them. Cause its a break from their hectic lives you know, and they don't go out very often either.
I've seen how much they look up to my mum. I mean, my mum isn't just a senior officer to them, she is like a mentor. They ask her for advice all the time. Like personal things! For example, today, my mum was telling me that this guy was asking her for advice. Cos, he has no parents, and he practically raised his sister since she was a little girl. And he was asking how to make sure she grows up properly with the correct values and all. Its just really sweet la. Cause my mum is like their surrogate mother or sth. And its just really touching.
My parents are such amazing people, and they've been such great role models for me. They've taught me so much about life. About family values, about morals, about work ethics, about marriage.. Its a never ending list really. And I'm just sososo indebted to them. I can't wait to grow up, get a job and become successful, to become a daughter they can be proud of.
Okay really long post omg. This has been more of a post for ME rather than for others to read. I just needed to have it in writing, so I can read it and remind myself of all the things I learn on a daily basis. Cause all these lessons are so much more than academics.
Things that make me lose hope in mankind.
Thursday, September 22, 2011 || 8:41 PM
I literally just stop flirting with others. I mean I’ll still somewhat flirt but not as much. I dedicate my whole attention to the person I like. I put all my focus on a way to persuade that person to be mine in a romantic interest. Its just asdfghjkk, it just shows how much I really like that person.
Okay, I just saw this on Tumblr, and I'm just very.. !?! Idk, its just that this person makes it seem that its such a big deal that she "literally stops flirting with others" and it "just shows how much [she] really [likes] that person" and I'm sitting here like.. Whuuuut?
I mean of course la! Isn't it expected? If you really like someone, you'll only have eyes for that one person, you won't even CONSIDER flirting with anyone else, because in your mind, nobody else will ever match up to him/her. I mean, thats what liking someone feels like!! You won't even "somewhat flirt", because it'll feel like you're cheating, even though you're not technically with the person. When you like someone, you hand yourself over to that person, you belong to them. You can't imagine being with anyone else, you won't even entertain the thought. Hell, it won't even be an option.
That's what liking someone really feels like.
|| 6:37 PM
Haha, okay, so most of you all of you should know that I adore Tom Felton. I mean, who wouldn't! He is a flawless human beingggggg :)))) He is cute, he is funny, he is nice, he is humble, he is pretty hot, he is cute, he is cute, he is cute. And seriously? He plays Draco Malfoy and thats enough for meeee (: Sigh, I love him so much!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011 || 11:18 PM
Hm, so I haven't posted in a while.. Well, I went to watch Johnny English with Shimei, Amirah, Hengyeng and Stacy yesterday! Grabbed lunch first, at the Taka food hall, had thai food (: after that, the four of us had to walk to the cinema while it was raining like ashfjgjafhd. I didn't have an umbrella, so was sharing with Stacy (not that it helped). Basically we were all drenched by the time we walked into the theatre which meant that we were freezing ):
The movie was sooooo stupid hahahah. It was hilarious cause it was so stupid. Its one of those shows where the main character is soo dumb that you feel very frustrated (pink panther anyone?) But it was still fun cause Amirah, Shimei and I were just spasming in our seats and being loud hahaha. What's new right?
OH Nicole lost her wallet yesterday and I was sooo worried omgosh. BUT luckily, she got it back!!! So relieved on her behalf man.
I didn't go to school today, cause of my back ): the doctor diagnosed it as a 'cervical strain'. Basically, my sleeping position/posture is bad, so my back is screwing up. ARGH, its really uncomfortable and irritating cause you just feel sore and achey all the time. AND I'm having terribleeeee cramps too. Put the two together, and death seems like a better option. Seriously, I was writhing in the car seat on the way home from the doctor. It's crazy.
Currently, I'm in bed, trying to watch Glee. The torrent isn't out yet >( so I'm watching online (too many spoilers on tumblr!!) and its taking sooooo long to buffer. Super annoying. But so far, the episode is okay la. I wouldn't say its phenomenal or anything, but its okay. It feels good to see all these familiar faces again ahaha. Oh and also, I think Kurt is better looking this season :O hahaha, I love the fact that we'll be seeing much more of Darren (: Klaine is the best part of the show, hands down. And I just love Darren Criss so much (: It makes me happy to see him in the choir room and all.
Sigh. I feel so restlesssssss.
Monday, September 19, 2011 || 9:54 PM
Okay, so basically this has been bothering me and I've wanted to blog about this for a while.
I think, for me, other than the obvious things like love, loyalty and all, one of the most important things in a relationship is effort. I feel really strongly about this. When I say relationships, I mean all relationships, not just romantic ones. Even in friendship and filial relationships. There has to be effort from both parties. I mean, no matter how much you love each other, there are bound to be problems and obstacles, and the most vital thing is that you don't give up on the rship just cause it gets hard. That means it isn't worth it anymore. It means that you don't give a damn about the person or your rship with them.
And its just so.. Sad when you're the only one putting in the effort you know? I've been in that position quite a number of times myself, so I can safely say that its a REALLY screwed feeling when you're the only one trying to make it work. Cause its just so futile and your self-esteem just kind of.. Swoops.
So yes, my point is, one of the things I look for most in a relationship is effort. Cause I think a relationship worth keeping is a relationship worth fighting for. And I guess, something I need to learn, is to know when to give up on something/someone. I hold on for way too long, and I care too much. I'm always the one taking the initiative, and frankly? I'm quite sick of it.
Anyway, Hengyeng's birthday was a blast yesterday! HAHAH we had so much fun dressing up, I was the president of the celibacy club, which is totally appropriate I swear.
"Keep it in your pants till you do your wedding dance"
I love themed parties, they are so much fun honestly. HAHA, I love Hengyeng, I hope she had a great day, she totally deserves it for being so awesome (: yay, I love my classmates! Actually, lovin' all my friends right now, except a couple. But these couple are just making me appreciate my real friends more, sooooo. All's good (:
Yes okay, I am breathing. I am also going to bed now, so.. Ciao (I am so pretentious hahaha)
Saturday, September 17, 2011 || 9:28 AM
Okay, yesterday was like the best day ever. I love 406 so much! I love my friends!! Seriously, we were so noisy and annoying, and we were just running around to all the rides (literally) IT WAS ALL SO GREAT.
Okay, so basically I have only been to ONE theme park: Escape (well, I also went to Genting but it doesn't count cause my bro was sick and we only went to the snow place) yes, so yesterday was the first time I ever went on a rollercoaster!
In the words of Amirah: Arathi is not a rollercoaster virgin anymore. NO I AM NOT. In fact, considering we took the blue one twice, the red one twice, the mummy one thrice and the dragon one once, I HAD 8 ROLLERCOASTER RIDES! It was so awesome really! I was screaming my head off! The worst one was prolly the blue one, in Battlestar Galactica, but my favourite was THE MUMMY RIDE. It was so awesome! Like the music and the lighting (or lack thereof) it was all so awesome!
The waterworks show was so great too! Basically because it was so hot and it felt good to have a bucket of water dumped on you (although the water was totally gross, my arms felt slimy) then when we were exiting, we saw this water fountain thing. And we went and got soaked. It was so fun, cause the water was a lot cleaner, and it was FREEZING. So good (y) After we dried off, we went for the Monster Rock show, where we started singing songs like It's My Life, You Give Love A Bad Name and LOW (thats ma jam!) along with the cast! FUN. Oh, and how could I forget? Clara totally busted her moves with the obnoxious breakdance people! She was SO good! Like her bodywaves were da best out of everyone's.
We ate at MEL'S DINER, the food was quite good, and I just really loved the whole atmosphere (: It felt like I was in one of those 50's movies.
Oh, seriously, I love the whole atmosphere of USS! Its seriously like, you're in another world altogether. And Amirah and I were talking about it, like once we got out, we're leaving this carefree place behind. Like we're going to MRT land once more D: we can't sit n the middle of roads anymore (there are no cars) we can't run around like complete idiots. We can't bask in the theme park atmosphere! Nobody is going to break out into dance/song, we can't go for free shows and rollercoasters and all. SO we just decided to have the time of our lives. WE TOTALLY DID.
OH and we took photos with all the mascots haha! FUN (:
But the end was rather sad I'm afraid. I started to feel really sick and miserable. I think my body was really confused tbh. Its in the air one second, and falling the next. Scorched one second, and drenched the next (woah, this sounds like some poem) so anyway, I felt like shit D: so, I couldn't stay for the fireworks D: The journey home was THE LONGEST JOURNEY OF MY LIFE. There was this lady shoving me on the monorail, I WAS SO PISSED. Because I was having this terrible headache and feeling sick, and this women was just PUSHING me. I was THISSSS close to screaming at her and snapping her head off, but I didn't (caution: arathi is dangerous when sick) slept on the bus, and dragged myself home. Checked my temperature and got a mini heart attack (38.7 degrees) so I just texted my dad+friends and went to sleep.
My dad brought home food which he forced me to eat and was all 'I TOLD YOU NOT TO OVERDO IT' sigh. But I regret nothing. Yesterday was so much fun, and I'm so glad to have friends like you (:
Friday, September 16, 2011 || 12:05 AM
I came home, and read my new book! Which is totally exciting and cool, there are so many exciting words in existence omg. I think its such a wonderful feeling to discover words for phenomenons which you hardly notice. And then when you find out there is, its utterly brilliant. I love it. I will have a post (after I finish the book) with all my favourite words from the book (I know you don't care but THIS IS MABLOG) It was just so great to read for leisure <3
After that, I went to send off my brother! He's going to Melbourne for a week (lucky ass) to spend time with his friend who's studying there. So we all went to the airport to send him off (omg I have been going to the airport so often recently)
Oh yes, before I forget, before we left school, I sat down in the canteen with soem of my indian makkalz, and wasted time. Like we were just talking about completely meaningless, inane things, and it was so great. It felt insane to be just wasting time without thinking of the consequences.
Anyway, I am currently feeling all-overish (AN ACTUAL WORD WHICH I LEARNT FROM MY NEW BOOK) and I think I'm having PMS. Yess tmi I know.
OMGOMGOMGOMG TOMORROW IS USS! AHHHHHHHH. WE HAVE BEEN PLANNING THIS FOR SO LONG AND WE ARE FINALLY GOING EXCITING TTM. My first proper theme park! (Escape doesn't count) and I'll be going on a rollercoaster for the first time in my life tomorrow! Exciting ttm, but what if I don't like it :O
Oh, was quite annoyed by something today. I hate it when people play hard to get. It just irks me okay.
Okay, sorry for the somewhat spoilers, but seriously, you should all go and watch it. Yes.
Oh, just got off the phone with Steph. Just called her up randomly cause I haven't spoken o her in a while. Ended up talking about random stuff (as usual) and it felt so great to catch up with her <3 recommended a few movies I'm sure she'll love, and going to squeal about them soon.
I love squealing with people about things I like (i.e harry potter, suits, klaine, TOM FELTON, EOYs being over, ACLTCL etc) It brings me great joy.
Yes, anyway, I'm going to have fun tomorrow, BECAUSE I DESERVE IT.
Oh, and the chem paper was okay hahahhaha. My priorities sigh.
First thing I'm going to do tomorrow once I reach home.
Thursday, September 15, 2011 || 12:24 AM
I am going to throw out every single piece of worksheet/notes that I own (except for math and tamil) I am just going to empty all my files and THROW THEM AWAY.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011 || 4:46 PM
Bio Paper today was such a failure hahaha. I was like totally blanking out during the exam. I knew the answers I diddddd (well, except for Q10 and the restriction map) but I was just like so stressed that everything was so muddled up in my head ): but oh well, this was the LAST bio paper I'm ever going to do. In my ENTIRE life. So I don't really care. Hope I pass la.
Studying very hard for Chem now, so that I won't have to count Bio. Sigh, completely no mood, but its just one more day, I have to push on! Then I'll have no more Sciences omgggg. Ah, Universal Studios on Friday with friends, and study date with Benita on Saturday.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011 || 6:05 PM
Okay, English was quite good today!
Wrote Question 2: Societal expectations limit who you are and what you can be.
As usual I linked it to the MASS MEDIA cause thats what I do every year. HAHA, talked about Glee and Lady Gaga and America's Next Top Model and Mean Girls. Hahaha, my essay was so bimbotic and stupid. But ohwell, as long as it isn't marked by AHEM I should be fine (: I even had time to read through my essay and correct grammatical errors! (y) okay, quite happy with English.
History ahh. Hm, okay la, I think I did fineeeee, hope I can get at least 14 for both! Just felt very sian towards the end of the paper though :O
Came home and crashed cause I was feeling very drowsy and weird (its the weather I swear!) Had a terrible nightmare about a pervy taxi driver. So scared now omg. I woke up with my heart pounding. I'm having the strangest dreams recently. All nightmares actually.
Sigh, tomorrow is BIO which is like majorly stressful, I still have so much to mug for!! But I'm not going to be TOO stressed. Its my last Bio paper EVERR (ohman it feels good to say that) and I don't want to panic attack and die.
I'm not overly worried about my GPA anymore. I just want to do well so I won't hate myself. So okay guys, I have to go nowzzz, study Bio like some crazy person, will try to get sleep today!
Two more papers to go guys!!!
Monday, September 12, 2011 || 10:53 PM
Okay, EOY week has officially begun. My mantra for surviving this week is to 'STAYPOSITIVE'. Freaking out over exams has not helped me in past instances, hence I shall not do it anymore. I'll just study as much as I can, and do as well as I can. The only person I need to satisfy, is MYSELF. And as long as I know I have done my best, I will not let myself down. I don't want to be disappointed with my results because of my lackluster effort. If I do badly, I just want to accept that I am a stupid person, and move on. Being stupid is better than being a slacker anyway.
Lit exam was okayyy today. Shan't say anything more than that. I think I answered the questions okay, don't think it was 'senseless rambling and wild speculation'. Hopefully not anyway! Got back my English FA today, and I did well! Yay, it was a really welcome kind of thing, cause I need to assure myself that I'm not complete shit, I'm still moderately good at something (the something which is hopefully going to be my future) just hoping that I did my compre okayly and I'll do well tomorrow, so I can get a 3.6/4.0 so I can take ELL in JC (Yes, I've decided. MEEL)
Sigh. Worried about some of my friends. Guys, chin up alright? I know its a tough week, and its really testing us and making us feel inadequate, but you have to believe in yourself! Believe that you have prepared all that you can, if you haven't, stay up all night and do it. It doesn't matter if you burn your midnight oil, its really the lastlast lap. You owe it to yourself to do well guys. We have come so far, and its the last leap. Not even a leap, more like a hop. After this we'll only have Math (then it'll be your turn to reassure me) and MT, piece of cake!
STOP being pressurized by all the crazy RI notes going around. I know they're all a lot to take in, and you shouldn't stress yourself out! Use them if you think they help you, if not rely on your own notes!
Have faith in yourself, I do! Special shoutout to AMIRAH (YOU ARE AWESOME PLEASE BELIEVE ME. YOU'LL WORK WONDERS TOMORROW) To everyone else: We have worked hard, you have ALL worked hard, and its time to put our work to the test.
Thursday, September 08, 2011 || 3:50 PM
|| 10:20 AM
Wednesday, September 07, 2011 || 2:18 PM
Oh dear, I have so much Bio to do, you have no idea, but I'm so sleepy now D: its 2pm, I SHOULD NOT BE SLEEPY. But obviously, my body doesn't care what I think. Sigh. I cannot wait until exams are over so when I feel sleepy, I CAN SLEEP.
This is horrible, I have GMOs, pGLO (I don't even know what this is D:) and mutations to doooooo. Oh, and cloning too D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D:
Tuesday, September 06, 2011 || 11:36 PM
Hm, studied a lot today. Quite proud of myself, I was actually productive at home :O but omgomgomg damn hard to believe that EOYs are next week!!! D: D: D: D: D: I WANT TO DIE ALREADY FREAKINGFREAKING SCARED.
Sigh, on an unrelated note, went to the Borders book sale with my dad tonight, was so useless hahahaha. The books were all damn -.- seriously. BUTBUT I got one book! Which I am super excited about yay (:
Reading the OED (Oxford English Dictionary)
Its like a witty, banterish lexicon! Exciting ttm! I'm such an English nerd hahah, but tbh, reading the dictionary is like one of my biggest goals in life. And I love reading about English in itself, and words and language and grammar. AH, its so fun and awesome and I love English so much it hurts.
Okay, I am so weird I need to get a life.
IT WILL HAVE TO WAIT TILL AFTER EOYS THOUGH. Yay, I'm so excited to read my book (:
|| 1:21 PM
ARGH trying my best to study but having hiccups -> my notes look all shaky cause I'm shaking with every 3 words D: D: D: I hate hiccups, and mine are bloody loud. And violent D:
So irritating ah.
Monday, September 05, 2011 || 5:56 PM
Okay, for those of you who were wondering (not many I'm sure) I have changed my Tumblr URL! It is now:
I love it yay (:
Last Couple of Days.
|| 5:41 PM
Okay, I'm posting with Blogger's new interface, which is.. Disconcerting to say the least. I've been looking at the same interface for 6 years (woah) now, you can't just expect me to change! So yes, I'm switching back. Right after this post!
Well, haven't posted in really long, so got quite a lot to talk about. Teachers' Day was super fun!
On an unrelated note, it irks me how people spell it as "Teacher's Day" rather than "Teachers' Day" (if you did not notice the difference, shame on you!) I mean its not ONE teacher's day right, its teachers in general! So the apostrophe (haha took me so many tries to get the spelling right) should come AFTER the 's'. Yes, pet peeve.
Anyway, Teachers' Day was very fun! Started off with ACES Day, which was superduper epic. Although Clara wasn't there (damnit!) Nicole Amirah and Shimei made a complete fool out of themselves, which amused me to no end (y) After ACES, we headed down to the Amphi for the show! There was like this super awkward silence as we were waiting for the teachers, and the emcees were having a difficult time, so Nicole and I (very kindly) volunteered Chanel and Amirah to go o the front and RAP! It was so good guys, seriously! I swear Amirah tries SO hard to be a black girl xD
Anyway, yes, I've been getting JUDGED for my Slytherpuff post. SIGH guys, you just don't understand okay! MY IDENTITY IS BEING QUESTIONED HERE. But hahaha, I love being in Hufflepuff though, its hilarious. I think Slytherin is crazy cool, and I wish I was in it, but I guess its just like Amirah wishing she was black, fruitless. SIGH. So yes, I'll just have to settle for a Slytherin bad boy then! :D
After the show, went back to meet my primary school friends, hung out at S's house and watched Ju-On 2 which wasn't THAT scary, but I still screamed in the end xD thats only cause B grabbed my hand, I swear. Headed out to Fairfield after that, met some of my teachers. I swear it feels like I'm becoming more and more of an outsider back in Fairfield cause so many people I know aren't there anymore! D: Haha, the best part of the day was slacking at the covered-play-area and reminiscing about our primary school days with Benita, Divya, Nisha and Yvonne. We do it every year, and we enjoy it every year (y)
On Friday, went to Mira's house for HARI RAYA! Omg, was super fun. And I need to say this. AMIRAH'S HOUSE IS GORGEOUS. Seriously, so cool and awesome and bigggg. I swear, next to her house and Claire's house, my house is seriously damn lame -.- anyway, when we walked in, we saw like all these baju kurungs spread out on the sofas, and amirah said that her mum had bought them for us! :O :O :O :O it was so cool!! I felt like we were in some reality show when we went straight to the rooms to get changed!
After that, we ate and watched Glee Project (AHHH I LOVE DAMIEN) (BUT CAMERON IS NOT CUTE PLEASE) which was damn fun because of everyone's reactions xD started watching Chasing Liberty, but didn't have time to finish it damnit, but seriously, if you haven't watched it, STOP BEING LAME AND WATCH IT.
Its seriously damn cheesy, but I love Matthew Goode so much! He is hot, and his accent makes him x98469863986239 hotter! Love the movie ttm!
After we left Mira's house, Nicole, Stacy and I went to KINOKUNIYA. Which is awesome in itself, because its a bookshop (duh) Nicole didn't get what she was looking for, but it just reminded me how much I miss reading!!!! I really want to part time in Kino ahhhh. HAHA, anyway, went to Candylicious after that (I hate you Stacy) which was horrible cause I bought Reeses'. Sigh, in my defense, I only ate one of the wafers, gave the other one away. NICOLE AND I ARE SUCH SUCKERS SERIOUSLY. Headed out to school after that for Heartbeat (the YFC concert) the show was pretty good, made friends from UWC hahaha. OH, and I found out that Alpha (my kindergarten/primary one friend) was GREEK. Exciting much?
Oh, on the downside, someone I know lost someone close to them. I'm really sorry, I know how much he meant to you. I can only guess how terrible you must feel, but I hope you're coping well! Take careeee.
My weekend was pretty boring, nothing interesting happened.
I had a 3hoursand15mins CES today. I wanted to die. I was just groaning and moaning and whining towards the end (sorry mira+nat) cause I just couldn't take it anymore.
Alright, gonna go studyyyy now. Byeeee.
Today (:
Wednesday, August 31, 2011 || 4:45 PM
Okay, today I got judged in school by my horrible classmates. I'm just being melodramatic, Nicole was just judging me for not studying D: asdfghjkl.
Oh, haha today was the last full day of lessons! Its like almost impossible to believe! Have survived this hellish place for threepointsomething years (I'M NOT GOOD AT MATH OKAY) and soon.. It'll all be over :O idk how to feel tbh. I'm happy for a change, and that I don't have anymore PTs and AAs and CBAs and PPAs and whatever else, but at the same time, I don't want to leave the safety of RGS, the outside world scares me..
Anyway, after school, headed out to Harbourfront! To get my receipt from Infinity (They were very nice btw! All of you! Buy Mac stuff from Infinity!!!) And I just felt so happy (:
Cause Harbourfront is totally my favorite mall. Its like Harbourfront is my favorite, closely followed by Vivo. I honestly dunno why I like it, cause there aren't many shops and its quite lame compared to VIVO next door, but I guess I've been going there since primary school (my dad used to work in the offices upstairs) And I just really like the open-ness and airiness and lightedness of it!! Its like JE library. Then again, maybe its just me..
And as for Vivo, haha most of you already know. I spent half my life there I swear. So bloody familiar with it! Cause my brother adores the place, and buys like 93.5675347635% of his clothes from there, so I get dragged along quite often. So yes. Obviously I'm familiar with the place. Always watching movies there. Oh and Keppel Club is right next door, so sometimes I just head on to Vivo after chillin' (okay, I'm lying. I do not chill in the club. My brother drags me there. The most I do is bowl)
ANYWAY, was supposed to head on to Funan after that, but I was too tempted to catch my long bus ride home! Have a straight bus, and I just adore long bus rides! Esp if I'm alone (: so yeah, just went home!
Have to go Funan sometime tmr D: maybe after going to Fairfield or something.. Hm, maybe I can even drag someone along! That's a thought...
Alright, going to go and study now (YES NICOLE I AM STUDYING OKAY)
Okay I deleted it.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011 || 5:14 PM
Haha so yes, I deleted the post on 90's shows cause my blog was loading at a glacial pace. So for those who managed to catch it and busk in the nostalgia, good for you! For those of you who didn't.. Sorry la.
Hm, my brother recently started watching Suits, which is this newish show. Its actually good! I watched a couple of episodes, but I'm putting off the rest till end of EOYs I promise (Yes Nicole, I promiseeee)
So if any of you are looking for things to do/watch after EOYs, check this one out, its good (:
I don't want to grow up NUUUUUUUUUUU.
|| 2:23 AM
Okay, Im a total mess right now. Major nostalgia. Like it all started with the TV shows (as you can see from the spam below) and then it led to myscene.com. then it led to disney.go and now I'm itching to play pinball on some old windows com.
I don't want to grow up ohman. I just want to sit around and watch INSANELY AWESOME tv shows, and play myscene.com and waste my time.
Pottermore Hufflepuff but longtime Slytherin (:
Monday, August 29, 2011 || 6:17 PM
Okay, I haven't posted in a hideously long time. I apologize, but life has just been really busy recently D: my sleeping schedule is seriously screwed. been studying my ass off for the last 2 weeks. BUT have been slacking like crazyyyy for the last 3 D:
Yesterday was a good day! :D slacked around the house, did nothing productive, then went to the NATAS travel fair.
Its confirmed and everything, cause we already booked the tickets and the package tour! I'm totally excited. This will b my second trip out of Asia! First one was London (which was amazing) but Italy is just gonna be.. Woah. Excited ttm. I'm going to see THE LEANING TOWER OF PISA (be jealous) and gonna take retarded pictures! :D (TLTOP will be my SECOND world wonder! Third if you count Stonehenge!) I'm so crazy excited. This is seriously something for me to look forward to man.
After the fair, we went to drop my dad at the airport (he's going to finland for a business trip) after which my bro and I grabbed dinner and headed back home. My brother took the ECP route (because he's awesome and he knows I love it) and we were just singing Beatles songs with the windows wound down, while looking at Singapore beeeeeyooootiful skyline! :D So nice, felt so happy (:
After we calmed down a little, I started to tell my brother how awesome it'd be to get a mixtape as a present from my future-probablynonexistent-boyfriend. Mixtapes are so awesome and cool. Can you imagine if someone gave me a mixtape and a tape recorder tied with a bow? I'd just squeal and jump up and down!!!! (ESP if it was all Beatles songs hinthint)
Awesome ttm.
Had a largely nonsensical (but wildly entertaining) phone conversation with Alagu this morning (: Love talking on the phone, horrible habit I know, but I really do. Parents are forever screaming at me to get off the phone.
Lets see, who are my phone buddies? In no particular order:
1. Alagu
2. Benita
3. Lavanya Kumaresh
4. Sumitra
5. Srruthi
6. Mukilarasi
I talk about the most ridiculous things with these people on the phone I swear. But I love them <3
Oh, after I put down the phone, was supposed to go and study, but I got carried away watching HP&HBP. I realized that after the series is over, every movie seems good to me :O I despised HBP initially, I find its not so bad! I love Harry Potter no matter how bad it is la.
Cried at the last scene, like the ninny I am.
Oh, and about my title, I have come to terms that I CAN belong in 2 houses. I know JKR thinks I belong in Hufflepuff (not arguing either) but I just love Slytherin so much and wanted to be in Slytherin so much, and its always choice which matters right?
Stop judging me all you people. I know who you are.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011 || 8:40 PM
Sigh, I guess this means I'll be waking up at 4 again D:
My blog titles are all so unimaginative D:
|| 8:34 PM
Well, today's exams hm. HAHA epic fail. Tamil katturai was like.. LOL. My hand was totally cramping up by the end, I cannot handle 2 hours of continuous writing D: could barely grip the pen towards the end, have no idea if Aasiriyai can read my last sentence xD
LOL, found out that when LavaK called yesterday (I was sleeping) I picked up the phone and called her mad :D :D :D Sorry Lava, completely unintentional! You know how I spout nonsense when I'm half asleep xD
Speaking of sleep, my sleep cycle has been SO screwed recently. Have been sleeping at 10 and waking up at 1/2/3am to do work. Quite productive actually, once I manage to drag myself out of bed. I'm pretty lucid after brushing my teeth and having a glass of milk. And the house is quiet and conducive in the middle of the night so yay (y) although I'm prettyyyy sure that its not good for me D: ohwell, its only for a few more weeks (omg!)
So tired now ohmygoodness.
My Posting D:
Tuesday, August 23, 2011 || 8:38 PM
Hm. I know I haven't posted in reallyyy long. Not properly anyway. But you can't blame me.
Omg, I'm gonna have a panic attack just thinking about it nuuuuu. So scared, no words man. I really have to do well for this. My MYA marks were all shit. It was crap. Like comical 'omg what kind of shit mark is this?' kind of screwup. And I NEED to do well for this round of exams, because that's the only way I can maintain my GPA! Which isn't even that high to start with D:
But omg, last round of exams in RG, so hard to believe. And it'll be the last Science exams I'll take EVERRRRR. Which is the best thing ever (y)
But ah, I'm less stressed now than before, because I was bing really hard on myself. I guess there are some things which you are just no good at, and you have to accept that. I am really trying for my Sciences, just that it isn't working out. All I can do, is to work my ass off, study as hard as I can, so that even if my grades are shit in the end, I can just blame it on genes.
The only subject I did well for this time round is like SS. Thankfully thats ONE 4.0 which isn't dying. Phew. My English was so terrible.
Ah well. Oh, on my way back home, in the cab, I called Nikki!! After an incrediblyyy long time! I'm sososo thankful that I called her, was so great to hear her again. I love the way she sounds exactly the same, and its just like how it was before we went to secondary school. I guess thats the thing about best friends, you may not always feel like you're best friends, but no matter what, when you get back together, you'll feel like you never left <3
I miss her so much, its crazy. I remember when my inbox was always just floooooded with messages from her, and she emailed me so much when I was down with chickenpox, and all our fangirling sessions over Draco Malfoy.
Hahaha, I still get a very distinctive NIKKI feeling when I listen to 'When It Rains' which is one of my favourite songs ever btw (: HAHA and my head always whips around when I smell the citrusy Herbal Essence shampoo xD
Damn, I miss being best friends with you!
why does everything HP related give me goosebumps?
Sunday, August 21, 2011 || 10:31 AM
Hufflepuffs are particularly good FINDERS
Tuesday, August 16, 2011 || 5:20 PM
Quite honestly, I don't FIND this very surprising (:
Okay, maybe not Slytherin like I hoped, but Hufflepuff is WAYYYY better than Gryffindor!! O Ravenclaw, now that their Welcome letter is so bitchy and mugger!
|| 5:19 PM
This unusual and highly attractive wand wood was greatly in vogue in the nineteenth century. Demand outstripped supply, and unscrupulous wandmakers dyed substandard woods in an effort to fool purchasers into believing that they had purchased silver lime. The reasons for these wands’ desirability lay not only in their unusually handsome appearance, but also because they had a reputation for performing best for Seers and those skilled in Legilimency, mysterious arts both, which consequently gave the possessor of a silver lime wand considerable status. When demand was at its height, wandmaker Arturo Cephalopos claimed that the association between silver lime and clairvoyance was ‘a falsehood circulated by merchants like Gerbold Ollivander (my own grandfather), who have overstocked their workshops with silver lime and hope to shift their surplus.’ But Cephalopos was a slipshod wandmaker and an ignoramus, and nobody, Seer or not, was surprised when he went out of business.
This is the rarest core type. Phoenix feathers are capable of the greatest range of magic, though they may take longer than either unicorn or dragon cores to reveal this. They show the most initiative, sometimes acting of their own accord, a quality that many witches and wizards dislike. Phoenix feather wands are always the pickiest when it comes to potential owners, for the creature from which they are taken is one of the most independent and detached in the world. These wands are the hardest to tame and to personalise, and their allegiance is usually hard won.
Saturday, August 13, 2011 || 9:35 AM
Well, so yesterday was a very fun day! :D got back history and math non-routine, I did okayyy la.. Not bad. School was pretty uneventful. Except omg hahahaha, Clara Poa was acting possessed during assembly, I was laughing like asdfghjkl LOL. She was just like rocking in circles (does this make sense?) and it was so strange and just sooo CLARA that all of us sitting around her couldn't take it xD
I really love 406, I swear we have the strangest people In our batch! Okay fine no, not the weirdest, I know weirder (right Amirah?) but we're so fun and bonded AND I JUST LOVE ALL OF YOU SO MUCH! I dowan to go to jayceeeee, what if I'm stuck in some weirdo class!!! :O
Anyway, after school, we stayed back for a litpt meeting, was quite fun actually! :D my group is super epic (y) and our product is going to be AWESOME please (:
And after that, went to pass my dad something at his office, and since I was right next to the Fossil sale, I called up my brother and we shopped!!! Got such awesome stuff ah!! And it was so CHEAP. The most expensive thing there was like $79! That's alllllll! At a freaking fossil sale!! I got 2 wallets and a cute bag, my brother got 2 bags and a wallet, dad got a wallet and a bag. And we bought my mum 2 bags and a wallet! Because couldn't come with us D: but yeah, and we bought this huge travel bag. Altogether the bill was like $500+ I think, but totally worth it, cause it was up to 80% off please! And it was all genuine leather :D okay, I loveeee everything I bought, switched my wallet already HAHA. Leather is so rugged and softtttt! Looks so cool somemore (: I love Fossil yay (: and my family currently loves me, because they all got pretty things (:
If you're reading this, I LOVE YOU CAITLAN THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Retail therapy indeed (:
After shopping, we all went to the temple. Which was also fun cause we offered to help the priest to pluck all the flowers and all, super fun (:
After I came home, went online to discuss for litpt, on skype! So funny because we were all falling asleep xD We finally finished at around 1245 haha :D
Now I'm on my way to Claire's to finish up the scrapbook! Which is going to be very pretty cause it's INDIAN STYLE (: